Oneirogmophobia - Fear Of Wet Dreams


My son I found out had this problem called Oneirogmophobia- fear of wet dreams.

He would be afraid to sleep and one day I finally had a talk with him.

It was hard for him to talk about, but I finally got it out of him.

I found your book even before I knew about my son because I wanted to read it.

Energy Therapy helped my son overcome his fear.

Overcoming this phobia was something important for his health as well as his peace of mine.

Thank you for making this book for someone that needs help like my son.

Janet Framer

Other Names

Fear of Wet Dream

Fear of Wet Dreams

Phobia of Wet Dream

Phobia of Wet Dreams

Wet Dream Fear

Wet Dream Phobia

Wet Dreams Fear

Wet Dreams Phobia

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Odontophobia - Fear Of Teeth Or Dental Surgery / Odynophobia Or Odynephobia - Fear Of Pain (Algophobia) / Oenophobia - Fear Of Wines / Oikophobia - Fear Of Home Surroundings, House (Domatophobia, Eicophobia) / Ombrophobia - Fear Of Rain Or Of Being Rained On / Ommetaphobia Or Ommatophobia - Fear Of Eyes / Oneirophobia - Fear Of Dreams / Onomatophobia - Fear Of Hearing A Certain Word Or Of Names / Ophidiophobia - Fear Of Snakes (Snakephobia) / Ophthalmophobia - Fear Of Being Stared At / Opiophobia- Fear Medical Doctor's Experience / Optophobia- Fear Of Opening One's Eyes / Ornithophobia - Fear Of Birds / Orthophobia - Fear Of Property / Osmophobia Or Osphresiophobia - Fear Of Smells Or Odors / Ostraconophobia - Fear Of Shellfish / Ouranophobia Or Uranophobia - Fear Of Heaven