Heresyphobia Or Hereiophobia - Fear Of Challenges

Fear Of Challenges

Heresyphobia or Hereiophobia- fear of challenges to official doctrine or of radical deviation is a very unusual fear I found out from a counselor I was seeing.

He suggested trying things to get overcome my fear, but I found your book, Phobia Release and though it sounded like something that might work.

Overcoming this fear was easy with your book. I told my counselor about it as well. He has read it and thought it would be a god book to add to his collection as well. Thank you for your help the book did help me with my fear.

Keli Barta

Other Names:

Challenges to the Official Doctrine Fear

Challenges to the Official Doctrine Phobia

Deviation from the Official Doctrine Fear

Deviation from the Official Doctrine Phobia

Fear of Challenges to the Official Doctrine

Fear of Deviation from the Official Doctrine


Phobia of Challenges to the Official Doctrine

Phobia of Deviation from the Official Doctrine

Phobia Chart - The Complete List of Phobia Definitions

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Herpetophobia - Fear Of Reptiles Or Creepy, Crawly Things / Hemophobia, Hemaphobia Or Hematophobia - Fear Of Blood / Helminthophobia - Fear Of Being Infested With Worms / Hellenologophobia - Fear Of Greek Terms Or Complex Scientific Terminology / Heliophobia - Fear Of The Sun / Hedonophobia - Fear Of Feeling Pleasure / Harpaxophobia - Fear Of Being Robbed / Haphephobia Or Haptephobia - Fear Of Being Touched / Hamartophobia - Fear Of Sinning / Hagiophobia - Fear Of Saints Or Holy Things / Hadephobia - Fear Of Hell / Gynephobia Or Gynophobia - Fear Of Women / Gymnophobia - Fear Of Nudity / Graphophobia - Fear Of Writing Or Handwriting / Gnosiophobia - Fear Of Knowledge / Glossophobia - Fear Of Speaking In Public Or Of Trying To Speak / Geumaphobia Or Geumophobia - Fear Of Taste / Gerontophobia - Fear Of Growing Old / Gerontophobia - Fear Of Old People Or Of Growing Old / Germanophobia - Fear Of Germany Or German Culture / Gephyrophobia, Gephydrophobia, or Gephysrophobia - Fear Of Crossing Bridges / Genuphobia - Fear Of Knees / Genophobia - Fear Of Sex / Geniophobia - Fear Of Chins