Alektorophobia - Fear Of Chickens Cure

Alektorophobia - Fear Of Chickens Cure Testimonial

If you think, my fear is silly, try living on a farm and having Alektorophobia- Fear of chickens. I used to run from these chickens, my family laughed, and video taped me. That is when I decided I needed help. After reading about the techniques used and the positive thinking process, I finally have overcome my chicken fear.

After overcoming this phobia, I was able to walk around the yard, the chickens would come up to me, and I was just fine. These phobia cure products have provided me with less humiliation and my family now has nothing to video.

R.Y. New Mexico

Different Names for Alektorophobia

– Chicken Fear
– Chicken Phobia
– Chickens Fear
– Chickens Phobia
– Fear of Chicken
– Fear of Chickens
– Phobia of Chicken
– Phobia of Chickens

Phobia Chart - The Complete List of Phobia Definitions

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