Symptoms of Postpartum Depression

How to Recognize Postpartum Depression Symptoms

Postpartum depression is a depressive disorder that can develop within the first six months after giving birth.

Many women experience "the baby blues" after child birth, however, as much as 10% of the new mothers develop depressive disorder that unfortunately is not always detected and thus treated.

This is why it is important for all new mothers to educate themselves about symptoms of postpartum depression.

What are the symptoms of postpartum depression?

Postpartum depression symptoms can be divided in four groups: Physical, emotional, cognitive and behavioral. An important note is that, even though you may have one or more symptoms of postpartum depression that does not mean that you suffer from depression. Diagnosis should always be done by a professional and no body else.

Physical postpartum depression symptoms:

• Headaches

• Unexplained pain

• Fatigue

• Sore muscle

Cognitive symptoms of postpartum depression:

• Thoughts of suicide

• Thoughts about hurting your baby

• Constant negative thinking about your motherhood

• Problems with keeping attention

• Not being able to think clearly

Emotional postpartum depression symptoms:

• Hopelessness

• Feeling "empty" when holding your baby or in general

• Hating your baby or the fact that you need to take care of it

• Worthlessness, nothing makes you happy (not even your baby)

• Feeling lost

Behavioral symptoms of postpartum depression:

• Refusing to feed the baby

• Not taking proper care of the baby

• Severe mood swings

• Being aggressive toward the baby

• Alcohol abuse

There are many other symptoms of postpartum depression however the symptoms listed above are enough to get the overall picture about postpartum depression symptoms.

As you can see, some symptoms are quite common in new mothers (e.g. fatigue and headaches), but some others can seem quite shocking (e.g. refusing to feed the baby).

More severe symptoms of postpartum depression such as being aggressive toward the baby mean that you need immediate help. There is nothing to be ashamed of or to feel guilty about. Instead of feeling guilty and ashamed, feel responsible and seek treatment for your illness because that is what responsible people do in this situation.

Psychotherapy along with an antidepressant is very successful in treating depression. Antidepressants or natural supplements are good for relieving the mother from her symptoms of postpartum depression so that she is able to take part in psychotherapy, where the healing process takes place. Postpartum depression symptoms should not be your biggest concern even though they cause a lot of discomfort and problems.

The most important question for you is what has caused your postpartum depression and how to deal with it. The answer to your question and the tools for coping with your depression can be found by visiting a psychotherapy consoler. Sometimes symptoms of postpartum depression can be hidden or masqueraded.

This is why it is important to go to a psychologist if you have any suspicions that you might suffer from postpartum depression.

Mild forms of depression can become moderate or severe if not treated and in the case of postpartum depression, it is not only you that it is at risk, but your baby as well. Alcohol abuse is always something that causes many other problems.

A new mother should not drink alcohol for many reasons, especially if she is breast feeding her baby. Alcohol contributes to depression more so because alcohol is a depressant. This is why alcohol consumption should be avoided if there is any doubt that a person might be depressed.

If you are experiencing any symptoms of postpartum depression, go to your physician and talk about it, no matter how mild you think your feelings are. If you suffer from severe symptoms of postpartum depression, get help right away.

Do not look for help in the bottle and do not think that symptoms will go a way by themselves. You need to face them and get yourself in therapy in order for you and your baby to have a happy life.

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