Homilophobia - Fear Of Sermons

Fear Of Sermons

Homilophobia- fear of sermons was a fear of mine since I was little.

I always seemed to warrant a sermon from my dad or mom. I soon realized that I was doing things to please everyone, but not myself. Phobia Release did what it promised to do.

It helped release me from my fear. I have overcome my fear and no longer worry about pleasing everyone.

I do give credit to the book for helping me in overcoming my fear. As for everyone around me, they have noticed a change as well. Thank you for giving me a help aid to overcome my fear.

Helen Hartmann

Other Names:

Fear of Sermon

Fear of Sermons


Phobia of Sermon

Phobia of Sermons

Sermon Fear

Sermon Phobia

Sermons Fear

Sermons Phobia

Phobia Chart - The Complete List of Phobia Definitions

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Heterophobia- Fear Of The Opposite Sex - Sexofobia / Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia- Fear Of The Number 666 / Hierophobia- Fear Of Priests Or Sacred Things / Hippophobia - Fear Of Horses / Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia - Fear Of Long Words / Hobophobia - Fear Of Bums Or Beggars / Hodophobia - Fear Of Road Travel / Hormephobia - Fear Of Shock / Homichlophobia - Fear Of Fog / Hominophobia - Fear Of Men / Homophobia - Fear Of Sameness, Monotony, Of Homosexuality / Hoplophobia - Fear Of Firearms / Hydrargyophobia - Fear Of Mercurial Medicines / Hydrophobia - Fear Of Water Or Of Rabies / Hydrophobophobia - Fear Of Rabies / Hyelophobia or Hyalophobia - Fear Of Glass / Hygrophobia - Fear Of Liquids / Hylephobia - Fear Of Materialism Or The Fear Of Epilepsy / Hylophobia - Fear Of Forests / Hypengyophobia Or Hypegiaphobia - Fear Of Responsibility / Hypnophobia - Fear Of Sleep Or Of Being Hypnotized / Hypsiphobia - Fear Of Height / Iatrophobia - Fear Of Going To The Doctor Or Of Doctors / Ichthyophobia - Fear Of Fish