Kakorrhaphiophobia - Fear Of Failure Or Defeat

Kakorrhaphiophobia - Fear Of Failure Or Defeat

Kakorrhaphiophobia- fear of failure or defeat is something that can ruin your life if you let it.

I was always afraid I would fail, so I never tired out for anything, even promotions.

I have overcome my phobia with the help of your book Phobia Release.

Overcoming something that you do not really know why you have it, is a challenge in itself.

I did find your book interesting and it was a big help.

I have decided to try for a promotion at my company and I have no fears about being turned down or not even being considered for the position.

Robert Yanku

Other Names

Defeat Fear

Defeat Phobia

Fail Fear

Fail Phobia

Fear of Defeat

Fear of Fail

Phobia of Defeat

Phobia of Fail

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Ideophobia - Fear Of Ideas / Illyngophobia - Fear Of Vertigo Or Feeling Dizzy When Looking Down / Iophobia - Fear Of Poison / Insectophobia - Fear Of Insects / Isolophobia - Fear Of Solitude, Being Alone / Isopterophobia - Fear Of Termites, Insects That Eat Wood / Ithyphallophobia - Fear Of Seeing, Thinking About Or Having An Erect Penis / Japanophobia - Fear Of Japanese / Japanophobia - Fear Of Japan / Judeophobia - Fear Of Jews / Kainolophobia Or Kainophobi - Fear Of Anything New, Novelty / Katagelophobia - Fear Of Ridicule / Kathisophobia - Fear Of Sitting Down / Kenophobia - Fear Of Voids Or Empty Spaces / Keraunophobia or Ceraunophobia - Fear Of Thunder And Lightning, Astraphobia / Kinetophobia or Kinesophobia- Fear Of Movement Or Motion / Kleptophobia - Fear Of Stealing / Koinoniphobia - Fear Of Rooms / Kolpophobia- Fear Of Genitals, Particularly Female / Kopophobia - Fear Of Fatigue / Koniophobia - Fear Of Dust (Amathophobia) / Kosmikophobia - Fear Of Cosmic Phenomenon / Kymophobia - Fear Of Waves Cymophobia / Kynophobia - Fear Of Rabies / Kyphophobia - Fear Of Stooping