Philosophobia - Fear Of Philosophy


When you take college course and then find out you have Philosophobia - fear of philosophy, it gets in the way of your class schedule and career choice.

I read Phobia Release and found it useful for what I needed it for. It helped me overcome my fear.

In overcoming my fear, I learned a few other things about myself as well. I am still in school and taking my classes with a problem. I just thought I would drop you a note to say thank you.

The book was a big help and I appreciate you making it available.

Kevin Hubner

Other Names

Fear of Philosophy


Philosophy Fear

Philosophy Phobia

Phobia of Philosophy

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Paraphobia - Fear Of Sexual Perversion / Parasitophobia - Fear Of Parasites / Paraskavedekatriaphobia - Fear Of Friday The 13th / Parthenophobia - Fear Of Virgins Or Young Girls / Pathophobia - Fear Of Disease / Patroiophobia - Fear Of Heredity / Parturiphobia - Fear Of Childbirth / Peccatophobia - Fear Of Sinning Or Imaginary Crimes / Pediculophobia - Fear Of Lice / Pediophobia - Fear Of Dolls / Pedophobia - Fear Of Children / Peladophobia - Fear Of Bald People / Pellagrophobia - Fear Of Pellagra / Peniaphobia - Fear Of Poverty / Pentheraphobia - Fear Of Mother-In-Law (Novercaphobia) / Phagophobia - Fear Of Swallowing Or Of Eating Or Of Being Eaten / Phalacrophobia - Fear Of Becoming Bald / Phallophobia - Fear Of A Penis, ESP Erect / Pharmacophobia - Fear Of Taking Medicine / Phasmophobia - Fear Of Ghosts / Phengophobia - Fear Of Daylight Or Sunshine / Philemaphobia Or Philematophobia - Fear Of Kissing / Philophobia - Fear Of Falling In Love Or Being In Love / Phobophobia - Fear Of Phobias