Textophobia - Fear Of Certain Fabrics


Textophobia - fear of certain fabrics was what I had before reading Phobia Release.

In my case, I was afraid of silk and angora. This is something that I wanted to overcome because I wanted to use these fabrics and wear clothes made from these fabrics.

Since overcoming this fear, I can now touch silk and angora and know what I was missing. They feel so soft.

I just wanted to tell you how happy I am now that I can enjoy these two fabrics and feel the softness.

You have made my life better by helping me. Thank you very much.

Delia Schicker

Other Names

Certain Fabric Fear

Certain Fabric Phobia

Certain Fabrics Fear

Certain Fabrics Phobia

Cloth Fear

Cloth Phobia

Fabric Fear

Fabric Phobia

Fabrics Fear

Fabrics Phobia

Fear of Certain Fabric

Fear of Certain Fabrics

Fear of Cloth

Fear of Fabric

Fear of Fabrics

Phobia of Certain Fabric

Phobia of Certain Fabrics

Phobia of Cloth

Phobia of Fabric

Phobia of Fabrics

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Theatrophobia - Fear Of Theatres / Tachophobia - Fear Of Speed / Taeniophobia or Teniophobia - Fear Of Tapeworms / Taphephobia Or Taphophobia - Fear Of Being Buried Alive Or Of Cemeteries / Tapinophobia - Fear Of being Contagious / Taurophobia - Fear Of Bulls / Technophobia - Fear Of Technology / Teleophobia / Telephonophobia - Fear Of Telephones / Teratophobia - Fear Of Bearing A Deformed Child / Testophobia - Fear Of Taking Tests / Tetanophobia - Fear Of Lockjaw, Tetanus / Teutophobia - Fear Of German / Thaasophobia - Fear Of Sitting / Thalassophobia - Fear Of The Sea / Thanatophobia or Thantophobia - Fear Of Death Or Dying