Levophobia - Fear Of Things To The Left Side Of The Body


Levophobia- fear of things to the left side of the body has always been a big problem with me.

I found your book Phobia Release and decided to try it and see if he could help me in overcoming my fear. I found the book to be very useful and easy to understand.

I have since overcome my fear and am no longer afraid of things to left side of my body, which was very inconvenient and embarrassing.

I just had to say thank you for writing such a helpful and useful book that I can feel could help any number of people.

Roland Fenmore

Other Names

Fear of Left

Fear of Left of the Body

Fear of Things to the left Side of the Body

Left Fear

Left of the Body Fear

Left of the Body Phobia

Left Phobia


Phobia of Left

Phobia of Left of the Body

Phobia of Things to the left Side of the Body

Things to the left Side of the Body Fear

Things to the left Side of the Body Phobia

Phobia Chart - The Complete List of Phobia Definitions

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Leprophobia Or Lepraphobia - Fear Of Leprosy / Fear Of Speaking / Lachanophobia - Fear Of Vegetables / Leukophobia - Fear Of The Color White / Ligyrophobia - Fear Of Loud Noises / Lilapsophobia - Fear Of Tornadoes And Hurricanes / Limnophobia - Fear Of Lakes / Linonophobia - Fear Of String / Liticaphobia - Fear Of Lawsuits / Lockiophobia - Fear Of Childbirth / Logizomechanophobia - Fear Of Computers / Logophobia - Fear Of Words / Luiphobia - Fear Of Lues, Syphilis / Lutraphobia - Fear Of Otters / Lygophobia - Fear Of Darkness / Macrophobia - Fear Of Long Waits / Lyssophobia - Fear Of Rabies Or Of Becoming Mad