If you do not know the symptoms of depression in woman, you might just think you have PMS or mood swings because of birth control pills or a hormonal unbalance, but you probably would never think you had depression.
This was my problem and when I learned about the symptoms of depression, I was filled with disbelief. My depression was mild, but it still affected my every day life.
I was unable to be nice or loving on some days, but I could be the nicest person on other days. I contributed my moods to hormones. It was not until I read about the symptoms of depression, that I began to realize I was suffering from depression.
I would cry for no apparent reason, some nights I could not sleep, some days I would not have any appetite. My menstrual cycle was so messed up and I often thought about what it would be like to die. I believed that my problem was hormonal because of my menstrual cycle being almost none existent.
I decided that I needed to talk with my doctor about this problem. I was in shock when he suggested that I was suffering from depression.
He referred me to another doctor who asked questions about how I felt and diagnosed my symptoms as depression and not hormonal. Symptoms of depression in woman can be very misleading. I was unaware of the fact that I was suffering from depression. Now that I know what is wrong with me, life is getting a little better.
I am lucky that I know what my problem is, but some women do not know if they have depression because they probably think the way I did at first. I feel better now, but I know I will need continued help to keep my depression under control.